The trouble with negative campaigning is the feeling that it is all mouth and no head. That is what we can see in David Cameron's harping on about "Broken Britain" - the social disorder he disingenuously ties to the Labour Government due to a few isolated incidents of teenager violence - which were hardly representative of all teenagers. His remedies were insipid as his understanding of the root causes of social disorder seem to be. As has been the case with Labour. Giving freedom to gambling and too much leash to the banking community while allowing so many to fall below the irretrievable line demarking endemic poverty and persistent unemployment.
A credible conservative solution would be to encourage investment in enterprise. Instead its volunteer groups and marriage. How is that going to fix things, exactly? "Look your kids have been robbing the local pensioners, so anyone going to volunteer to give them a bollocking?". Or, perhaps - "your teenage daughters are getting pregnant to get on welfare. So we have changed the law so they have to get married to get on welfare."
Victorian times were wealthy times due to the British imperial expansion. Face it, conservation of those values is hardly a 21st century recipe for progress.
The intellectual poverty of British politics is what is broken. There is no credible solution from either side due in part to weak leadership and mouthing of solutions without much brain behind them. It becomes a matter of who we trust the most not to continue to ruin people's lives with their hollow greed rather than which party has the highest quality ideas.
The expenses crisis was not a financial crisis. It was a catastropie of trust. The sheer embarrassment of the Lord Aahcroft affair is evidence of just how little the Conservatives really care about due process and respect for the average man on the street and his progress in life. Conservatives will not just slash public services, but now it seems they feel they have to raise taxes in order to reduce the deficit.
The lack of inspired confidence shown in the people of Britain by both sides of the house is the problem. It is us, not they, who will pull the country out of the mess that has erupted after both parties went mad for the fruits of capitalism without regard for education.
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