Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Seattle Times: Opinion: How to bury global warming

The Seattle Times: Opinion: How to bury global warming - the idea of burying carbon absorbed from the atmosphere is one way to tackle "global warming" and "regulate the climate".

Climate control with an atmosphere that has less CO2 will nonetheless have plenty of other pollutants. We have to stop putting CO2 into the atmosphere because we have to stop loading it with carcenigens and poisons. We must stop destroying biodiversity if any life is to have much of a hope of living out the next few hundred years.

America has been compared the Romans on more than one occassion. Like Nero, they fiddle as the atmosphere is subject to abuse by greedy economics that only benefit a tiny fraction of the very wealthy. Stop CO2 so you can keep polluting?

Stop greed to save the world.

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